How readable is your message?

How readable is your message?

Readability [ree-duh-bil-i-tee]The state or quality of being readable. Typography. The property of type that affects the ease with which printed matter can be read for a sustained period. Legibility [lej-uh-bil-i-tee]Also leg·i·ble·ness. The state or quality of being...
Three Takeaways from The Ask

Three Takeaways from The Ask

I came across The Ask and found it insightful. It was published back in 2017, so you may have read it. Laura Fredricks is well known in the development world, and I think this should be mandatory reading for all your nonprofit board members. I liked it so much that I...
Are You Ready for #GivingTuesday?

Are You Ready for #GivingTuesday?

I was reviewing stats and ideas for #GivingTuesday and here are 3 doable tips for your campaign. And check out their toolkit here. Get 100% from Every Gift: Make sure your giving form allows each donor to cover the small fee associated with processing a gift. I know...
Is your site HTTPS secure?

Is your site HTTPS secure?

Over the past couple of years, Google started ranking “HTTPS” sites higher than regular “HTTP” sites in non-branded searches. Then in September, Google announced: “Beginning in January 2017 (Chrome 56), we’ll mark HTTP pages that collect...